Secure the right price for your energy supply

Reduce energy costs with a contractual structure that matches your energy needs.

improve energy efficiency

A competitive energy contract means efficient energy spend

With 15+ years’ experience operating independently in the energy market we leverage technology, market behaviour and data-driven insights.  We provide commercial businesses with transparent information to secure competitive energy contracts for Electricity, LPG and Natural Gas.

improve energy efficiency

The Smart Energy Approach

energy efficiency solutions brisbane

Get it right, ahead of renewal

We review pricing offers against analysis of market trends and futures to advise the best time to renegotiate contract pricing. Our reviews inform on the influences driving market pricing with recommendations for maintaining lower energy. costs.

energy efficiency solutions brisbane

Be smarter in the market

Buy energy with in-the-market intelligence to secure the best price with strategies that consider short-term and medium-long term pricing influences. This enables you to adapt in volatile pricing periods. Getting it wrong even a little, can have a significant impact on total energy costs.

energy efficiency

Independent and transparent advice

We independently review your offers.
NES does not receive commission payments from retailers to ensure the range of retailers you can receive pricing offers from isn’t limited and we aren’t in any way influenced by the outcome.

commercial energy audit

Avoid unnecessary cost, capitalise on opportunities

Energy pricing is volatile and impacted by influences outside your control.  Supply optimisation ensures your consumption and risk profile positions you to avoid cost in a rising market and take advantage of opportunities in a falling market.

 Is your energy consumption supply optimised?

Get the latest Energy Market Insights

Small Market Tariff Increases Announced

Small Market Tariff Increases Announced

Consistent with our previous advice, the Default Market Offers for SME and Residential tariffs have been reviewed by the regulators with significant increases announced today. These Tariffs, or Default Market Offers, are reviewed annually and approved by the...

Electricity Market Update

Electricity Market Update

Electricity Market UpdateHistorically, since 1996 when the market deregulated, current pricing is extreme, and pricing runs in cycles of peaks and troughs, we remain in a peak which is not the time to lock in long term.  Current market conditions are dictating short...


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